Reference to:
Other Voices, Other Rooms
A novel by Truman Capote
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
A novel by George Orwell
1936, Available in the Penguin Classics series
Other Voices, Other Rooms, the novel
There appear to be two references here.
Other Voices, Other Rooms
By Truman Capote
Truman Capote's first novel, about a young man’s discovery of his own homosexuality with an odd family in an odd house with distinctive rooms.
The title and the feel of the rooms including the mysterious woman reflected in the ‘Empty room’ reference in the song point to this source.
In addition,
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
By George Orwell is referenced:
A rather mediocre poet, after leaving boarding school takes an ideological decision to reject capitalism and live a frugal life. He does not enjoy being poor and it is a very amusing book.
There is something horrible about London at night; the coldness, the anonymity, the aloofness. Seven million people, sliding to and fro, avoiding contact, barely aware of one another’s existence,
And even when they were not tarts it had been squalid, always squalid. Always it had started in a sort of cold-blooded wilfulness and ended in some mean, callous desertion.
‘seven million people’ [updated to the population of London in 1985].
There are numerous ‘other Voices’ who try to persuade him to abandon his decision to shun capitalism and money, always declaring he is wrong.
These include his sister, his girlfriend, several friends and his employer. All attempt to change his mind.
Quotes are not given for these as they form a major part of the novel.
The Empty World and All Cats Are Grey appear to reference the same novel.
Other Voices, the song
Whisper your name in an empty room
You brush past my skin
As soft as fur
Taking hold
I taste your scent
Distant noises
Other voices
Pounding in my broken head
Commit the sin
Commit yourself
And all the other voices said
Change your mind
You're always wrong
Always wrong
Come around at Christmas
I really have to see you
Smile at me slyly
Another festive compromise
But I live with desertion
And eight million people
Distant noises
Of other voices
Pulsing in my swinging arms
Caress the sound
So many dead
And all the other voices sing
Change your mind
Songwriters: Laurence Andrew Tolhurst / Robert James Smith / Simon Gallup
Other Voices lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
You're always wrong